on الأربعاء، 23 نوفمبر 2011
و انا كنت راجع من المنصورة كعادتي كل يوم (انا طالب في كلية هندسة جامعة المنصورة و ساكن في المحلة) و راكب علبة السردين المعتادة , سرحت في مرة في الكلمة دي ... لعله خير
هبتدي الموضوع من سنتين ورا بالظبط , يعني لما كنت داخل الكلية لسه جديد

بالصدفة ماما عادي بتفتح الجورنال بتاع الجمعة , بصت شافت اعلان لمنحة لماليزيا ... طبعا قالتلي عليها و روح قدم و يا صابت يا خابت
, الصراحة الفكرة دخلت دماغي و حضرت ورقها و اتصلوا بيا و قالولي تعالى اتفضل عندك امتحان كمان يومين مهارات , للي ميعرفش بتبقى عادة انجليزي و IQ و رياضة
المهم رحت , اول امتحان كان انجليزي و الحمد لله كان مستوايا يؤهلني اني اخلصه في نص ساعة مع انه كان متحددله ساعة و كمان في ناس كتير  مخللصتوش , 13 صفحة و كمان حاجات لطيفة جدا اوي يعني :D
المهم , عدى الامتحان ده و هو و اللي بعديه و اللي بعديه و روحت
طبعا كنت مروح كنت مذهول من اللي امتحنته ده , كان اول مرة امتحن بالمنظر ده و كانت حاجات ممتعة  , بالظبط بعدها بيومين اتصلوا و قالوا في مقابلة مع وفد من الجامعة
طبعا انا طرت من الفرحة و قلت بس كده الموضوع شكله هيتم ان شاء الله
لما رحت , اول اليوم كان غريب جدا و كأن ربنا بيقوللي ملكش نصيب المرة دي من اول اليوم
رايح منمتش ساعتين على بعض , لقيت ناس بيتكلموا انجليزي بطريقة تخلي الواحد يشك انه يعرف يتكلم عربي , غير كده تقريبا مشفتش في اليوم اللي كنت فيه واحد من جامعة اقاليم
المهم هديت نفسي و حاولت اتمالك اعصابي , لكن الصراحة مقدرتش اقاوم نفسي قدام القهوة و الشاي و النسكافيه , كأني فتحت قهوة ليا علشان اعرف اتكلم
المهم جه دوري و دخلت اتكلمت , طبعا كانت اول مرة اتكلم انجليزي ف كنت تقيل جدا لكن في الاخر فهموا انا عاوز ايه لكن طبعا مكانش يرضيهم , المهم ان سببي في المنحة دي كان غريب جدا , اني كنت مبحبش الكميا اللي كنت باخدها و عاوز امشي من الكلية علشان مدرسهاش ! :D
و طبعا النتيجة اني اترفضت , لكن رجعت و قلت لعله خير , اصلا كنت ناوي على ميكانيكا و دلوقتي انا في قسم حاسبات
و اتيحت ليا الفرصة اني تاني اني اقدم فيها , بنفس الخطوات اللي فوق و رحت وصلت لحد المقابلة , الصراحة سبحان الله المرة دي كانت اسهل بكتير من المرة اللي قبلها و كنت بتكلم انجليزي احسن من الاول بكتير سبحان الله
لكن برضه مطلعتش , لاني كنت مقدم السنة اللي فاتت
قلت عادي , مفيش مشكلة زعلت شويه لكن قلت هبقى كويس و هتتنسي التجربة
برضه جتلي اوقات اني احول قسمي لان الصراحة شفت كمية احباط في اول اسبوع يكفوا مصر كلها ايام ما كنا كسبانين الجزائر 4-0
 لكن قلت لا استنى و اصبر هشوف حاجة حلوة ان شاء الله و هتحاول تعمل حاجة
لكن اكتشفت اني مش شايف مجالي كويس هنا , اكتشفت اني معايا كنز و انا مش حاسس بيه
اكتشفت ان كمبيوتر و انترنت كافيين اوي انهم يخلوني ستيف جوبز
او ممكن يخلوني عمرو حاحا حسب ما انا عاوز
الموضوع فيا بس انا عاوز ايه , وايه اللي يوصلني لهدفي , بغض النظر عن الجامعة بغض النظر عن القسم
دلوقتي الواحد الحمد لله ماشي كويس في مجاله , لسه موصلتش لحاجة بس ان شاء الله قريب هوصل للي انا عاوزه , متعرف على ناس كافيين انهم يساعدوني في اي حاجة و الحمد لله مبيبخلوش على اي حد باي معلومة و دي ميزة مهمة جدا انك تكون في مجتمع مش منفسن

الحمد لله ربنا عوضني عن اللي شفته لحد دلوقتي من اول ما دخلت هندسة :D ,
ربنا يسهل و ربنا يعوضني عن السؤال اللي جاوبته غلط و كانت اجابته موجودة جنبه و محدش يسألني عملت كده ليه :D
on الجمعة، 15 أبريل 2011
this article will show you how to install a netbook operating system  like Ubuntu netbook OS and Joli Cloud OS .
Ubuntu netbook OS :
if don’t have an Ubuntu OS or you have it and you want to install the netbook version on another partition you can Download the .iso file from ubuntu site  , burn it to a CD then boot from it and instalit .
The main difference between Ubuntu desktop  and netbook edition which is “Unity”
Unity is a A Lightweight Netbook Interface for Netbooks / Desktops .
so if you already have Ubuntu dekstop edition you can simply install Unity by opening the terminal and type the following commands (make sure that you are connected to the internet) :
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-dx-team/une
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install unity
After completing the running commands , go to System > Administration > Login Screen .
unlock it by typing your password and then select ” Ubuntu  Netbook Edition ” as default session .
restart the computer and enjoy the new interface …

- Joli Cloud OS :
has a nice , neat and animated interface .

you can Try it by registering to the website and try it . Also you can Download it ,burn it on a CD and install it  .
well , I mentioned the two common open source netbook Operating systems , hope you like them .

Published 15 April 2011 on :http://catazinelive.net/2011/04/15/netbooks-part-2/
on الجمعة، 1 أبريل 2011
Netbooks are a category of small, lightweight and inexpensive laptop computers .
At their inception in late 2007 as smaller notebooks optimized for low weight and low cost -netbooks omitted certain features (ex. optical drive), featured smaller screens and keyboards, and offered reduced computing power when compared to a full-sized laptop .by mid-2009, some wireless data carriers began to offer netbooks to users “free of charge”, with an extended service contract purchase .
In March 1997, Apple Computer introduced the eMate 3000 as a subcompact laptop that was a cross between the Apple Newton PDA and a conventional laptop computer. The eMate was discontinued, along with all other Newton devices, in 1998 with the return of Steve Jobs .
The generic use of the term “netbook”, however, began in 2007 when Asus unveiled the Asus Eee PC . Originally designed for emerging markets, the 23 × 17 cm (9.1 × 6.7 in) device weighed about 0.9 kg (2 lb) and featured a 7 in (18 cm) display, a keyboard approximately 85% the size of a normal keyboard and a custom version of Linux with a simplified user interface geared towards netbook use . In early 2011 the New York Times said netbook sales had begun to decline, due in part to the arrival of tablet computers .
Operating Systems
As of January 2009, over 90% of netbooks in the United States are estimated to ship with Windows XP, which Microsoft was later estimated to sell ranging from US$15 to US$35 per netbook . Microsoft has extended the availability of Windows XP for ultra-low cost personal computers from June 2008 until June 2010 .
As of November 2009, customized Linux distributions are estimated to ship on 32% of netbooks worldwide, making it the second most popular operating system after Windows. As Linux systems normally install software from an Internet software repository , they do not need an optical drive to install software .
Netbooks have sparked the development of several Linux variants or completely new distributions, which are optimized for small screen use and the limited processing power of the Atom or ARM processors which typically power netbooks. Examples include Ubuntu Netbook Edition , Joli OS , MeeGo* and others . Both Joli OS and MeeGo purport to be “social oriented” or social networking operating systems rather than traditional “office work production” operating systems (*Joli OS and MeeGo are based on Linux ) .
the next article i’ll talk about how to install the OS on your PC or laptop …

Published 01 April 2011 on : http://catazinelive.net/2011/04/01/netbooks-part-1/
on الخميس، 24 مارس 2011
Yes , open source
The term ” open source ” describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end’s user source materials .
The basic idea behind open source is very simple. When programmers can read, redistribute , and modify the source code for a piece of software , the software evolves. People will improve it , adapt it and fix bugs .
Open source software is software where the source code is freely available. Users are free to make improvements and redistribute as long as they committed to  certain conditions. The most famous open source software is the operating system, Linux.
Conversely, the source code for proprietary software is generally kept secret. A user purchases only the compiled version of proprietary software and has no choice but to use the software ‘as is’.
In 1984, Richard Stallman started the GNU project. The GNU project’s goal was, simply put, to make it so that no one would ever have to pay for software. The first step was to develop a complete UNIX style operating system, the GNU system. The GNU system would become the first ‘free’ software .
“My work on free software is motivated by an idealistic goal: spreading freedom and cooperation. I want to encourage free software to spread, replacing proprietary software that forbids cooperation, and thus make our society better. ” , Stallman describes the motivation behind free software .
The Open – Source Licence
Traditionally, copyright has been employed to reserve all copyright for sale (all rights reserved) in connection with an original work. Conversely, an open source licence is a legal instrument used to make a work freely available. The term ‘free’ does not mean free of charge. It refers to a user’s freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software without the payment of a royalty or obtaining express permission.
Open-source licences make use of the copyright rights applicable to computer programs to secure several standard conditions. Anyone can copy, distribute, and modify open source software as long as they committed to the conditions. The conditions ensure that successive developments of source code may remain available for additional improvement. Anyone violating the conditions may be subjected to legal repercussions under copyright law .
There are many licences like Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) licence, which allows licencees to create private derived works (i.e. commercial software with unpublished source code) and does not require that changes to the public version be published in any form .
There’s also GNU General Public Licence (GPL) licence, which creates an obligation to distribute, without fee or additional licence terms, the source code of all derivative works.
In between the BSD and the GPL on the spectrum of restrictiveness, is the Mozilla Public licence (MPL). Changes to MPL-covered source must be made freely available on the Internet. The MPL, however, is non-viral: additions to (as opposed to modifications of) the ‘MPL-licenced source’ to create a larger work may be licenced differently and need not be published at all.
An open-source developer can commercially licence software already available under an open-source licence. The commercial licence would ‘sell’ use of the software without the conditions imposed by the open source licence. This practice is known as dual-licensing. Open-source licences are not intended to ban commercial use. As a general rule, open source can be used commercially as long as the authors get a cut. However, commercial licencing can get complicated if the Open Source Software has multiple components by different authors and under different licences .
well , that’s a brief article about Open Source , hope you like it

Published 24 March 2011 on : http://catazinelive.net/2011/03/24/open-what/
Google App Engine is a platform for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. It was first released as a beta version in April 2008. Google App Engine lets you run your web applications on Google’s infrastructure. App Engine applications are easy to build, easy to maintain, and easy to scale as your traffic and data storage needs grow. With App Engine, there are no servers to maintain: You just upload your application, and it’s ready to serve your users.
Google App Engine supports apps written in several programming languages. With App Engine’s Java runtime environment, you can build your app using standard Java technologies, including the JVM, Java servlets, and the Java programming language or any other language using a JVM-based interpreter or compiler, such as JavaScript or Ruby. App Engine also features a dedicated Python runtime environment, which includes a fast Python interpreter and the Python standard library. The Java and Python runtime environments are built to ensure that your application runs quickly, securely, and without interference from other apps on the system.
Google App Engine makes it easy to build an application that runs reliably, even under heavy load and with large amounts of data. App Engine includes dynamic web serving, with full support for common web technologies , persistent storage with queries, sorting and transactions , automatic scaling and load balancing , APIs for authenticating users and sending email using Google Accounts , a fully featured local development environment that simulates Google App Engine on your computer , task queues for performing work outside of the scope of a web request and  scheduled tasks for triggering events at specified times and regular intervals
Your application can run in one of two runtime environments: the Java environment, and the Python environment. Each environment provides standard protocols and common technologies for web application development.
well , let me show you a video discussing what Google App Engine works

Published 24 March 2011 : http://catazinelive.net/2011/03/24/google-app-engine/